Today Breaking Muscle published my most important article. It is about gratitude for your body and your ability to train regardless of your level and circumstances. It is truly such a blessing be able to express movement in any and every way we see fit. Let us never forgot how special this opportunity is.
In many ways, everything I write is something that I need to hear myself. This article is no exception and found publication at a time when I needed to hear it most. I wrote this as a general reminder to always feel thankful for what you have accomplished while still retaining your drive for progress. However, in the time between writing and publication of this article, I have developed a hernia. I have not been able to "do anything meaningful" in over two weeks. At least this is the rhetoric I have been using to describe the growing sense of malaise I feel in my body and my life.
These chosen words though effect how I feel about my injury. I woke up this morning to find my gratitude article published and was honestly moved by own words. I try to always hold in mind the lessons that I wrote about. I am eternally gratitude to have such a capable body and the freedom to train it. But I've realized this morning how easily even our deepest held values can waver in the face of adversity.
Since developing my hernia I have slowly lost a lot of motivation and passion. I have not felt very much gratitude for my body lately.
This morning I received the beautiful reminder that gratitude is a choice and we can never relinquish it to external forces. Gratitude is a decision to dwell on the good and to celebrate all that we have, rather than a focus on what is missing, lost, or stolen. While my days and my training sessions look quite different than a few weeks ago, I have so much to feel grateful for. While I feel fear as the condition worsens over these last two weeks, I am in no real danger and still have incredible overall health.
Today I dwell on the fact that I can still do handstands, stretch, and even walk around. Today I celebrate the long walks I've taken and the time freedom to work on other projects. Today I feel gratitude for the lessons that this injury has taught me about my body and relish the opportunity to address my imbalances.
Life may have changed, but remains no less wonderful.
Always something work on, but always something to celebrate.
I would love for you to check out the article on Breaking Muscle. I also encourage you to share any thoughts this sparked for you.